Yorkshire Rose Dialect Reyt Gud Name Birthday Card


Written as its said - A Yorkshire Dialect Birthday Card which reads 'av thi sen a reyt gud buthd'y' or Have a really Good Birthday and personalised with any name of your choosing.

Simply enter your personalised details in the fields below and we'll lovingly create and print to order just for you.

All Cards dispatched with-in 1-2 working days with free 1st class postage. We can even write on your behalf and send direct to your recipient for no extra cost. Please just type the recipients full name and what you'd like us to write inside the card in the box below and don't forget to add the recipients address as the delivery address.

Card Specification. Size: 5x7 inch - 125mm x 175mm. Weight / Finish: 260gsm card with linen textured emboss. All our greetings cards are left blank inside for your own message and come with a quality 130gsm natural kraft envelope.

♥ We Love the Planet ♥ - This product is FSC® certified which means the materials used to make it have been ethically sourced from well-managed and sustainable forests and we've also taken the Naked Cards pledge to reduce plastic waste! Find out more at nakedcards.co.uk.


Tags: birthday card